How to Change Gamma: A Complete Guide

Introduction: Greetings from Reader technogigs!

Hello, Reader technogigs! We’re excited to bring you this comprehensive guide on how to change gamma. Understanding how to change gamma can be a game-changer in the world of digital photography and video editing. Whether you’re a beginner looking to enhance your photos or a professional aiming for perfect color accuracy, this guide will give you the tools you need to take control over the gamma of your images and videos.

In this guide, we’ll start with the basics. We will explain what gamma is, how it works, and why it’s important. From there, we will delve into the ways you can change gamma in different devices, software, and file formats. Lastly, we’ll discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different gamma-changing techniques, followed by some frequently asked questions. Let’s get started!

What is Gamma?

Gamma is a numerical value that represents the brightness distribution between the darkest and the lightest points of an image or video. It describes how our eyes or a digital device perceive the luminance of an image. Gamma is a fundamental aspect of visual information processing, affecting visual contrast, brightness, and color reproduction.

Gamma and Human Perception

Our eyes perceive light in a nonlinear way. We see certain differences in brightness better than others. Gamma correction helps to adjust the brightness levels so that we can perceive the same image in a more natural and pleasing way. For example, a low gamma value makes an image look darker while a high gamma value makes it look brighter.

Gamma and Digital Processing

In digital imaging, gamma correction helps to compensate for the different ways digital sensors and displays register brightness. Without gamma correction, images and videos would look flat or washed out. Therefore, it’s important to know how to change gamma when you work with digital visual media.

How to Change Gamma: Different Methods

There are different methods to change gamma depending on the device, software, and file format you are using. Here’s a table that summarizes each method:

Device/Software/File Format Gamma-Changing Method
Windows Operating System Calibrate Display Settings
MacOS Use Display Calibrator Assistant
Android Devices Use Brightness Control
iOS Devices Use Night Shift and True Tone
Adobe Photoshop Adjust Gamma Settings
Adobe Premiere Pro Use Lumetri Color Panel
Video File Formats Transcode with Gamma Correction
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Calibrating Display Settings (Windows Operating System)

If you use a Windows computer, you can adjust the gamma by calibrating the display settings. To do so:

1. Open the Start Menu and search for “Calibrate Display Color.”
2. Follow the instructions provided by the Display Color Calibration Wizard.
3. Choose a gamma value that suits your needs.

Using Display Calibrator Assistant (MacOS)

If you use a MacOS device, you can use the Display Calibrator Assistant to adjust gamma. To do so:

1. Go to System Preferences and click on “Displays.”
2. Click on the “Color” tab and then on “Calibrate.”
3. Follow the instructions provided by the assistant and adjust the gamma slider according to your preferences.

Using Brightness Control (Android Devices)

If you use an Android device, you can adjust the gamma by using the brightness control. To do so:

1. Go to Settings and tap on “Display.”
2. Adjust the brightness slider until you reach your desired gamma value.

Using Night Shift and True Tone (iOS Devices)

If you use an iOS device, you can use the Night Shift and True Tone features to adjust gamma. To do so:

1. Go to Settings and tap on “Display & Brightness.”
2. Turn on the Night Shift and/or True Tone feature.
3. Adjust the temperature and brightness values until you reach your desired gamma value.

Adjusting Gamma Settings (Adobe Photoshop)

If you use Adobe Photoshop, you can adjust the gamma by changing its settings. To do so:

1. Open your image file in Adobe Photoshop.
2. Click on “Image” followed by “Adjustments” and then “Levels.”
3. Use the gamma slider to adjust the gamma value according to your preferences.

Using Lumetri Color Panel (Adobe Premiere Pro)

If you use Adobe Premiere Pro, you can adjust the gamma by using the Lumetri Color Panel. To do so:

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1. Open your video file in Adobe Premiere Pro.
2. Go to the “Color” workspace and click on the Lumetri Color Panel.
3. Adjust the gamma value using the slider provided.

Transcoding with Gamma Correction (Video File Formats)

If you want to change the gamma of a video file format, you can transcode it with gamma correction. To do so:

1. Use a video transcoding software that supports gamma correction (e.g., FFMPEG or HandBrake).
2. Select the video file that you want to transcode.
3. Apply the gamma correction filter or adjust the gamma value manually.
4. Save the transcoded file with the desired gamma value.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Gamma-Changing Techniques

Different gamma-changing techniques come with their own strengths and weaknesses. Let’s explore some of the most common ones:

Hardware Calibration

Hardware calibration, such as using a colorimeter, provides the most accurate and consistent results compared to software-based gamma-changing methods. However, it can be expensive and time-consuming to set up.

Operating System Settings

Operating system settings can be a quick and free way to adjust gamma. However, it’s typically not as accurate or fine-grained as hardware calibration.

Software-Based Gamma Correction

Software-based gamma correction, such as using Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Premiere Pro, provides a high level of control over gamma, including color space options and individual channel adjustment. However, it can be time-consuming and may introduce noise or artifacts.

Transcoding with Gamma Correction

Transcoding with gamma correction offers an efficient way to change the gamma of video files, especially for large batches. However, it can be tricky to find the right gamma value that matches your intended output.


Here are some frequently asked questions about changing gamma:

1. What is the ideal gamma value?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because ideal gamma values depend on various factors, such as the display’s color space, luminance, and ambient light conditions. Generally, gamma values between 2.2 and 2.6 are common for most devices.

2. Can I change gamma on my phone or tablet?

Yes, most modern smartphones and tablets allow you to change the gamma through their operating system settings.

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3. How do I know if my display is properly calibrated?

You can use a calibration tool, such as a colorimeter or calibration software, to check the accuracy of your display’s gamma. Alternatively, you can use a website or mobile app that tests your perception of brightness and contrast.

4. Does changing gamma affect image quality?

Changing gamma can affect image and video quality. If done correctly, it can enhance the visual impact and color accuracy. However, if done improperly or excessively, it can lead to visual artifacts or banding.

5. Can I undo gamma correction?

Yes, you can undo gamma correction by reverting the changes you made, using the “Undo” function in your software, or reloading the original image or video.

6. How often should I recalibrate my display?

It depends on your usage scenario, but typically you should recalibrate your display every few months to maintain accurate color and brightness levels.

7. Do different file formats have different gamma standards?

Yes, different file formats have their own gamma standards or lack thereof. For example, some video codecs, such as H.264, require a specific gamma value during transcoding in order to look good on all compatible displays.

Conclusion: It’s Time to Take Control Over Gamma

By now, you have learned the ins and outs of gamma and how to change it on different devices, software, and file formats. Whether you’re a professional or a casual user, taking control over gamma can improve your visual experience and increase your creative potential. Remember to choose the method that suits your needs and remember to recalibrate your displays regularly for the best results. Thank you for reading.


The information provided in this article is a general guideline only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or services. We do not endorse or assume any responsibility for any third-party software, products, or services mentioned in this article. Use at your own risk.