How to Tell if Someone Deleted their Instagram

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Welcome to our article that will help you determine if someone has deleted their Instagram account. Instagram is a popular photo and video sharing app that many people use on a daily basis. Sometimes, you may notice that someone’s profile is no longer available or their content is missing, and this may lead you to believe that they have deleted their account. In this article, we will provide you with valuable information and tips on how to tell if someone has deleted their Instagram account and the steps you can take to find out for sure.


Instagram is a social media platform where millions of people share photos, videos, and stories every day. It can be quite devastating, but you may find that someone you follow has deleted their account or you are no longer able to find their profile. Hence, it raises suspicion, and you start to question what happened to their account.

The good thing is that with Instagram, you don’t have to wonder. Instagram has many features to help users know whether an account has been deleted or not. As an Instagram user, it is essential to know these features to put your speculations to rest. Below, we will be discussing the steps to take to determine if an account has been deleted or not.

Step 1: Search for the Account Manually

One of the basic things you can do to find out if someone has deleted their Instagram account is to search for their profile manually. To search for the person, go to the Instagram search bar, and type in their username. If their profile pops up on the search, congratulations, the account still exists.

However, if you’re unable to locate their account or their profile name does not show up, it could mean that the account was deleted or the owner has changed their username.

Step 2: Check Your Followers List

Another great way to know if someone deleted their Instagram account is to check your following list. If you try to visit a deleted user’s profile, Instagram will notify you that the account does not exist. However, if you still follow the person, then you can see their profile information. Still, if the post is gone, and the username is grey, it could mean that the user has deactivated their account temporarily.

Step 3: Look for Cached Results Online

Another way to find out if someone has deleted their Instagram account is to look for cached results online. Cached results are snapshots of web pages taken by search engines to provide users with quick access to previous versions of web pages.

To find the cached version of an Instagram profile, go to your preferred search engine and type the user’s username. Next, click on the “Cached” link from the search result. If the most recent cache version does not have the user’s account information, then it could mean that the account has been deleted.

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Step 4: Check if You Can Find the Account using another Device or Browser

If you’re still unsure whether an account has been deleted, try logging in from a different device or a browser to check if you can find the account. If you manage to locate the deleted account, it means that something was amiss with your previous device or browser.

Step 5: Try Searching for the Person Using Another Account

Finally, you can use a different Instagram account to search for the deleted account. You can create a dummy profile on Instagram and search for the person with the suspicious profile issues. If you can continue to view the profile using this different account, then the account of the person you were concerned about is probably deleted.

In conclusion, these are the steps you can take to tell if someone has deleted their Instagram account. However, there are some weaknesses to these procedures that you also need to know about.

Strengths and Weaknesses


The first and most significant advantage of the steps above is that they are straightforward to implement, and most users can carry them out irrespective of their account level on Instagram. They are a reliable way of knowing the difference between a temporary deactivation and a full deletion of the Instagram account.

Another advantage is that implementing these procedures in tandem can provide concrete results that confirm the account’s deletion or provide an alternate scenario that makes sense. The different ways of going about the detection process ensure that every possible way of detecting a deleted account has been covered.

Thirdly, it holds the power to save users a lot of time and effort from reaching out to the said profile owner. They present a way to mitigate discrepancies and set the record straight. It ensures that you don’t have to rely on external forces or wait for time to pass to get answers about whether the account was deleted or not.

The final advantage of following these procedures is that they can help you get closure and move on. If you are no longer able to access an account that you found interesting, knowing whether or not it was deleted can help you focus on things that matter or find another user that is more interesting and engaging.


Although these steps mentioned above are reliable ways of telling if an account has been deleted, it is not without flaws. For instance, although it is possible to find a cached version of a deleted Instagram account, it is not always straightforward to achieve. Often, the cached version might also not contain the profile information, rendering the entire process useless.

Oftentimes, searching for a deleted account using another device or account can yield mixed results. Moreover, the new account might not be able to find the original account if it has been deleted. Ultimately, the best way to tell is by checking the profile manually – if it’s there, the account has not been deleted, and if it’s not there, it has.

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Furthermore, the processes outlined might not hold for all different scenarios. For example, if the user changed their username, their profile might be challenging to find under a new username, even if their account still exists. It is crucial to note that if you cannot locate the user’s profile handle, it could mean many things that might not always indicate a deleted account.

Table of Ways to Tell if Someone Deleted their Instagram

S/No Step Explanation
1 Search for the Account Manually Manually search for the account by typing in the person’s username in the search bar, and see if their profile is available
2 Check Your Followers List Check your following list to see if you’re still following the account. If the username is grey, it could mean that the account has been temporarily deactivated
3 Look for Cached Results Online Search for cached versions of the user’s profile to see if the account was deleted or not
4 Check if You Can Find the Account using another Device or Browser Use another device or browser to see if you can locate the account. If it is visible, it means the problem exists with the previous device or browser
5 Try Searching for the Person Using Another Account Create a dummy account to search for the said user’s profile. If the profile opens, it means his profile has been deleted

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long can Instagram accounts be deactivated for?

An Instagram account can be deactivated for as long as you want. If you don’t want to log into your account for some time, you can deactivate it and reactivate it again when you’re ready.

2. Is it possible to delete an Instagram account permanently?

Yes, it is possible to delete an Instagram account permanently. However, there’s no going back after you have deleted it. Once the account is deleted, all data associated with it is lost permanently.

3. Will Instagram let you know if someone has deleted their account?

No, Instagram does not notify you if someone deletes their account. However, if you have a thread with the user on Instagram, you’ll notice that their messages turn into direct message requests.

4. How can you tell if someone deactivated their Instagram?

If a user has deactivated their Instagram account, their profile is no longer visible to the public. However, if you’ve previously followed them, you may be able to see their profile but with no posts or pictures

5. Can I reactivate my Instagram account after deleting it?

No, you cannot reactivate an Instagram account once it is permanently deleted. Once the account is deleted, it’s gone forever.

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6. How can you tell if someone has blocked you on Instagram?

If you have been blocked by a user on Instagram, you won’t be able to find or see their profile on the platform. You can try logging into another account and see if the account is visible.

7. How long does it take for Instagram to delete your account?

After requesting to delete your Instagram account permanently, it typically takes 90 days for the account data to be erased from Instagram’s servers. During this period, your profile is no longer visible to other users on the platform.

8. Can I still view someone’s Instagram if they blocked me?

No, if you’ve been blocked by an Instagram user, you won’t be able to see any content posted by the user or his/her profile.

9. Can I still message someone who has deactivated or deleted their Instagram account?

No. You can’t message or interact with a user who has deactivated or permanently deleted their Instagram account. In this instance, all messages will be lost.

10. Will Instagram delete inactive accounts?

Instagram will deactivate an account that has been inactive for a long time. The exact time frame for inactivity varies, but it usually takes place after six months of no activity on the account.

11. Can you find an account that has been deleted on Instagram?

No, you cannot find or locate an Instagram account that has been deleted by the owner.

12. Can you still see someone’s pictures if they temporarily deactivated their account?

No, if the user temporarily deactivates their account, their profile becomes hidden, and all posts and pictures are removed until the user reactivates his or her account

13. Can Instagram users reactivate their accounts after deactivation?

Yes, users can reactivate their Instagram profiles after temporarily deactivating them. They just need to log back into the account.


In conclusion, we have outlined various steps that can help users determine if someone has deleted their Instagram account and provided an insight on each step’s strengths and weaknesses. We also included some frequently asked questions to help readers better understand the topic. Instagram can be challenging to understand at times, so it is vital to know the tools that are available to users to detect account variations. We hope this article helps you put your speculations to rest and provides you with closure to move forward.

Thank you for taking the time to read and don’t forget to share with others that may need this information.


This article is for educational and informational purposes only. Any actionable steps taken based on the content of this article are taken at the reader’s discretion. The authors and publisher are not responsible for any negative consequences resulting from implementing the steps outlined in this article.