How to Show Seconds on Mac Clock: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hello Reader technogigs,

You might have noticed that the Clock app on your Mac only displays hours and minutes by default. If you want to have a more precise time-keeping experience, you may want to display your clock in seconds. In this article, we will show you how to change the clock on your Mac to show seconds.


For most Mac users, time is an essential aspect of their daily routine. From completing assignments to scheduling meetings, managing time is crucial. The built-in Clock app on Mac OS X provides users with an efficient tool for keeping track of time. However, the Clock app by default only displays hours and minutes, which might not be enough for some users.

If you want to have a more precise time-keeping experience, it is possible to change your clock settings to display seconds. In this article, we will guide you through the process of how to show seconds on the Mac clock, step by step.

Before we start, we want to make sure you have the latest version of Mac OS X installed on your computer. The process may differ slightly depending on which version of Mac OS X you have. Make sure to follow each step carefully to ensure you don’t miss anything.

Without further ado, let’s get started with the steps to show seconds on your Mac clock.

Step 1: Open the terminal app

To show seconds on your Mac clock, you will need to use the terminal app. The terminal app is a command-line interface that allows you to interact with your Mac computer through text commands.

To open the terminal app, you need to click on the Launchpad icon on your Dock. Once the Launchpad is open, type “terminal” into the search bar. Click on the terminal app to open it.

Step 2: Enter the command

Once the terminal app is open, you need to enter the command to show seconds on the Mac clock. The command is:

defaults write 'DateFormat' 'HH:mm:ss'

Copy the command and paste it in the terminal app. Press Enter to run the command.

Step 3: Relaunch the SystemUIServer

After entering the command, you need to relaunch the SystemUIServer. The SystemUIServer is responsible for managing the menu bar, which includes the clock.

To relaunch the SystemUIServer, you need to enter the following command in the terminal app:

killall SystemUIServer

Once you have entered the command, press Enter to run it.

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Step 4: Check the clock

Once you have completed the previous steps, you can check if the seconds are showing on your Mac clock. Go to the menu bar and locate the clock. You should now see the clock display seconds in addition to hours and minutes.

Step 5: Change the clock back to default settings

If you want to change the clock back to its default settings (without seconds), you can use the following command:

defaults write 'DateFormat' 'EEE MMM d h:mm a'

Copy the command and paste it into the terminal app. Press Enter to run the command. You also need to relaunch the SystemUIServer as explained in step 3 to have the change take effect.

Step 6: Save the command

If you want to save the command for easy access, you can simply create an alias for it. An alias is a shortened name that points to a longer command. To create an alias, enter the following command:

alias clockseconds="defaults write 'DateFormat' 'HH:mm:ss' && killall SystemUIServer"

This will create an alias called “clockseconds” that you can use to launch the command any time you want to show seconds on your clock without having to type it out manually.

Step 7: Remove the alias

If you want to remove the alias, enter the following command:

unalias clockseconds

This will remove the “clockseconds” alias.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Showing Seconds on Mac Clock


Showing seconds on your Mac clock can be beneficial in different ways. It can improve your productivity, especially if you work on time-sensitive tasks that require exact timing. It can also be helpful if you need to coordinate with people in different time zones. Furthermore, if you are a Mac user who loves to customize their computer, showing seconds on the clock can add a unique touch to your desktop experience.


Showing seconds on your Mac clock can be distracting for some users, especially if they are easily overwhelmed by too much information. Additionally, it can make you feel more aware of time, which can cause stress and anxiety. Lastly, if you have a low-end Mac, showing seconds on the clock can consume more system resources, which can impact the overall performance of your computer.

The Table of Complete Information on How to Show Seconds on Mac Clock

Steps Commands
Step 1 Open the Terminal app.
Step 2 Enter the command:
defaults write 'DateFormat' 'HH:mm:ss'
Step 3 Relaunch the SystemUIServer by entering the command:
killall SystemUIServer
Step 4 Check the clock.
Step 5 Enter the command:
defaults write 'DateFormat' 'EEE MMM d h:mm a'
Step 6 Create an alias:
alias clockseconds="defaults write 'DateFormat' 'HH:mm:ss' && killall SystemUIServer"
Step 7 Remove the alias:
unalias clockseconds
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I change the time format for my Mac’s clock?

You can change the time format for your Mac’s clock by going to the System Preferences app, then clicking on the Date & Time preference pane. From there, you can choose from different formats and customize the way you want the clock to be displayed.

2. Can I show seconds on my Mac clock without using the terminal app?

No, you need to use the terminal app to show seconds on your Mac clock.

3. Does showing seconds on my Mac clock affect my computer’s performance?

If you have a low-end Mac, showing seconds on the clock can consume more system resources, which can impact the overall performance of your computer.

4. Can I create different aliases for my Mac clock commands?

Yes, you can create as many aliases as you want for your Mac clock commands. Simply replace “clockseconds” in the command syntax with your preferred alias name.

5. How do I know if my Mac clock is displaying seconds?

If your Mac clock is displaying seconds, you should be able to see the seconds hand moving on the clock. If you are not sure, check the clock settings to ensure that seconds are enabled.

6. What if I want to show seconds only temporarily?

If you want to show seconds on your Mac clock temporarily, you can use the terminal command to enable seconds. Once you are done with your task, you can use the command to disable seconds and restore your clock to its default settings.

7. Can I undo the changes I made to my Mac clock?

Yes, you can undo the changes you made to your Mac clock by running the command to restore the clock to its default settings. Alternatively, you can remove the alias you created for the command.

8. How do I customize the date format on my Mac clock?

You can customize the date format on your Mac clock by using the same syntax as the command in step 2, but replacing ‘HH:mm:ss’ with your desired date format. Refer to the Terminal manual for more information on date and time formatting.

9. What is the difference between the 12-hour and 24-hour clock format?

The 12-hour clock format is a standard time format that uses AM and PM to distinguish between morning and afternoon/evening hours. The 24-hour clock format, also known as the military time format, uses a 24-hour cycle, which ranges from 00:00 to 23:59 hours.

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10. Can I show seconds on my Mac clock in the menu bar and the Dock?

No, you can only show seconds on your Mac clock in the menu bar. The clock in the Dock only displays hours and minutes.

11. Can I change the font size of my Mac clock?

No, you cannot change the font size of your Mac clock. The font size is determined by the system preferences and cannot be changed without using third-party software or modifying system files.

12. Can I show seconds on the clock without affecting the rest of the menu bar icons?

Yes, showing seconds on the clock should not affect the rest of the menu bar icons. Once you have followed the steps in this article, the clock should display seconds without affecting the other icons.

13. Can I use the same command to show seconds on my iPhone or iPad?

No, the terminal command only works on the Mac OS X. It is not applicable for iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad.


Now that you know how to show seconds on your Mac clock, you can be more effective in managing your time. Whether you need to keep track of time for work or personal reasons, showing seconds on your clock can be beneficial.

We hope that this article has been helpful to you, and that you now have a better understanding of how to show seconds on Mac clock. Remember to follow the steps carefully, and if you encounter any issues, feel free to refer back to this article for guidance.

Don’t hesitate to share this article with your friends and colleagues who might also benefit from showing seconds on their Mac clocks.

Take Action Today

Show seconds on your Mac clock today and experience a more precise and efficient time-keeping experience. Follow the seven simple steps outlined in this article to get started.


This article is for educational purposes only. We are not responsible for any damage or harm caused to your Mac computer or software as a result of following the instructions in this article. Proceed at your own risk.