Power of Attorney Nursing Home Admission

As we grow old and our health begins to deteriorate, we may need assistance with our daily activities. When the level of care needed exceeds what can be provided at home, nursing homes become an option. However, the admission process can be complex, especially for those who are incapacitated. This is where a power of attorney comes in handy.

What is a power of attorney for nursing home admission?

A power of attorney is a legal document that grants someone the authority to make decisions on your behalf. In the context of nursing home admission, it allows someone else to sign the admission papers and make decisions related to your care when you are no longer able to do so.

There are two types of power of attorney: general and durable. A general power of attorney is only valid when you are mentally competent, while a durable power of attorney remains in effect even if you become incapacitated.

How can a power of attorney help with nursing home admission?

Having a power of attorney in place can make the nursing home admission process smoother and less stressful. Without one, the nursing home may require a court order or guardianship to admit you, which can take time and money.

With a power of attorney, the designated agent can sign the admission papers on your behalf and make decisions about your care, such as selecting a room and arranging for medical treatment. They can also handle financial matters related to your care, such as paying bills and managing your assets.

Who should have a power of attorney for nursing home admission?

Anyone who is at risk of needing nursing home care in the future should consider creating a power of attorney. This includes older adults, those with chronic health conditions, and anyone who wants to ensure that their wishes are followed if they become incapacitated.

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It is important to choose someone you trust as your agent, as they will have a significant amount of authority over your care and finances. You should also have a backup agent in case the primary agent is unable to fulfill their duties.

How to create a power of attorney for nursing home admission

Creating a power of attorney for nursing home admission involves several steps:

1. Choose an agent: Select someone you trust to act as your agent. This can be a family member, friend, or lawyer.

2. Choose a power of attorney type: Decide whether you want a general or durable power of attorney. A durable power of attorney is recommended for nursing home admission.

3. Draft the document: The power of attorney document should include your name, the agent’s name, and the powers granted to the agent. It should also specify when the power of attorney takes effect and when it ends.

4. Sign and notarize the document: You must sign the document in the presence of a notary public, who will verify your identity and witness your signature. The agent must also sign the document.


A power of attorney for nursing home admission can make the process smoother and less stressful for everyone involved. It is important to have one in place before it becomes necessary, as it can take time and money to obtain one once you are incapacitated.

Choose someone you trust as your agent and make sure they understand their responsibilities. With a power of attorney, you can have peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be followed if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.