How to Turn On Airplane Mode on MacBook: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you frequently on the go and need to stay connected to your MacBook, but without access to Wi-Fi? Do you need to conserve battery power on long flights? Or perhaps you want to ensure that no one else can access your MacBook’s network while you work on important projects? Whatever the reason may be, you’ve come to the right place to learn how to turn on airplane mode on MacBook.

Before we begin, let’s take a moment to understand what airplane mode is and its importance in our everyday use.

What is Airplane Mode?

Airplane mode is a feature available on practically every modern device. When turned on, it disables all wireless communication on the device, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular signals. Airplane mode was originally designed to ensure that electronic devices do not interfere with radio frequencies on airplanes and other sensitive equipment. Today, it’s used as a battery-saving or privacy feature by millions of people worldwide.

To turn on airplane mode on MacBook is quite simple. However, with different MacBook models out there, each with its unique settings, some users may need a quick guide to do that. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to turn on airplane mode on MacBook computers. With this guide, you will learn the step-by-step process of enabling airplane mode on any MacBook model. So, let’s dive into it!

Steps to Turn On Airplane Mode on MacBook

Here are the steps to turn on airplane mode on MacBook:

MacBook Model Airplane Mode Shortcut Manual Settings
MacBook Pro with Touch Bar Press and hold the Option key and click the Wi-Fi Icon in the menu bar. Click the Airplane mode switch, and it will turn blue. Click on the Apple icon at the upper left corner of the screen. Click on ‘System Preferences’ then click ‘Network.’ From there, click the ‘Turn Wi-Fi off’ button.
MacBook Pro without Touch Bar Press and hold the Option key and click the Wi-Fi Icon in the menu bar. Click the Airplane mode switch, and it will turn blue. Click on the Apple icon at the upper left corner of the screen. Click on ‘System Preferences’ then click ‘Network.’ From there, click the ‘Turn Wi-Fi off’ button.
MacBook Air Press and hold the Option key and click the Wi-Fi Icon in the menu bar. Click the Airplane mode switch, and it will turn blue. Click on the Apple icon at the upper left corner of the screen. Click on ‘System Preferences’ then click on ‘Network.’ From there, click the ‘Turn Wi-Fi off’ button.
MacBook Press and hold the Option key and click the Wi-Fi Icon in the menu bar. Click the Airplane mode switch, and it will turn blue. Click on the Apple icon at the upper left corner of the screen. Click on ‘System Preferences’ then click ‘Network.’ From there, click the ‘Turn Wi-Fi off’ button.
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FAQs About Turning on Airplane Mode on MacBook

1. What is the Wi-Fi icon on a MacBook?

The Wi-Fi icon is a graphical representation of the wireless signal strength on your MacBook. It denotes a connection to a wireless network, and when clicked, you can access other Wi-Fi related settings.

2. Is it necessary to use airplane mode on a MacBook?

Although not generally necessary, it may be needed in some situations when you want to turn off all wireless communication on your MacBook, such as during flights, or when you want to conserve battery power, or enhance privacy by turning off network connectivity.

3. Can I use Bluetooth when airplane mode is on?

No. When airplane mode is on, all wireless communication, including Bluetooth, is turned off.

4. Will turning on airplane mode also turn off my MacBook’s cellular connectivity if it has it?

No, airplane mode only turns off wireless communication, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and other wireless signals that interfere with airplane communication. Cellular connectivity is not affected by airplane mode.

5. Does enabling airplane mode consume battery power?

No, it does not. In fact, airplane mode helps to conserve battery life automatically by turning off unnecessary wireless communication.

6. Can I still use my MacBook if airplane mode is on?

Yes. Other features of your MacBook, such as storage and processing power, remain unaffected when airplane mode is on.

7. What is the difference between turning off Wi-Fi and enabling airplane mode?

While both will turn off Wi-Fi, airplane mode goes beyond that to turn off all wireless communication on your MacBook, including Bluetooth and cellular connections.

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8. How do I turn off airplane mode?

To turn off airplane mode, repeat the same steps you followed to turn it on (see the table above). Click the Airplane mode switch in the Wi-Fi Icon menu, and it will turn from blue to gray. This returns all wireless communication on your MacBook to its previous setting.

9. Are there other ways to turn on airplane mode besides the ones listed?

Yes. You can also turn on airplane mode by clicking on the ‘Apple icon’ in the top left corner of the screen, then click on Control Center. In Control Center, click the Airplane Mode switch, and it will turn blue.

10. What happens when I receive a call or a message when airplane mode is on?

You will receive the call or message but won’t access the internet or networks.

11. Can I turn off individual wireless features when airplane mode is enabled?

No. When airplane mode is on, all wireless communication is turned off.

12. Can I browse files offline when airplane mode is on?

Yes. You can still access and browse files on your MacBook as usual.

13. Will enabling airplane mode prevent malware attacks?

No, it will not. However, turning on airplane mode can prevent some types of cyberattacks, such as malware attacks via unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Turning on Airplane Mode on MacBook


– Airplane mode conserves battery power by turning off unnecessary features on your MacBook.

– It enhances privacy by blocking all wireless communication that could be used to access the internet or network resources.

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– It avoids interference with electronic devices in locations where wireless communication is prohibited.

– It provides an additional layer of protection against malware or cyberattacks on your MacBook.


– Airplane mode eliminates all wireless communication which could hinder some operations like downloading important files from the internet.

– It disables all types of network activity, including updates to system drivers and software.

– It may prevent access to Wi-Fi-based services, including live streaming and file sharing.

– It eliminates the ability to make or receive cell phone calls and messages.


In conclusion, turning on airplane mode on MacBook is a straightforward process. It’s a useful feature that can help conserve battery power, reduce data usage, enhance privacy, and protect your computer from potential cyberattacks. We hope that this comprehensive guide has been helpful to you in learning how to turn on airplane mode on your MacBook, whether you have a MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, or MacBook. To learn more on how to make the most of your MacBook, be sure to check out our other helpful guides.

Don’t forget to turn off airplane mode when you no longer need it!

Thank you, Reader Technogigs for your attention, and we hope to see you again soon.

Disclaimer: The author does not take any responsibility for any damage caused by following the instructions from this article. Follow the instructions at your own risk.