How to Favorite Videos on TikTok 2023

How to Favorite Videos on TikTok 2023

Hello Reader technogigs, welcome to this article about how to favorite videos on TikTok 2023. TikTok has grown to become one of the most popular video-sharing platforms in the world, with millions of users sharing and viewing videos every day. If you are an avid TikTok user, you might have come across videos that you really enjoy and want to save for later viewing. This article will guide you on how to favorite videos on TikTok, and how you can use this feature to enhance your TikTok experience.


TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service owned by the Chinese tech company, ByteDance. The app allows users to create short-form videos ranging from 15 to 60 seconds, and share them with their followers. One of the interesting features of TikTok is that it allows users to favorite videos they enjoy, either by liking or saving them. Favoriting videos is a great way to keep track of your favorite creators and their videos. With the new updates in 2023, TikTok has made it easier for users to favorite videos, and this article will guide you on how to do it.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Favorite Videos on TikTok 2023

1. Open the TikTok app on your device.

2. Browse through videos to find one that you like.

3. Once you find a video you like, look for the ‘heart’ icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.

4. Tap on the ‘heart’ icon, and it will turn red to signify that you have liked the video.

5. If you want to save the video for later viewing, tap on the ‘bookmark’ icon next to the ‘heart’ icon.

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6. The ‘bookmark’ icon will turn green, indicating that you have saved the video to your favorites.

7. To view your favorite videos, go to your profile and click on the ‘bookmark’ icon.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Favoriting Videos on TikTok 2023

Strengths of Favoriting Videos on TikTok

1. It allows you to keep track of your favorite creators and their videos.

2. You can save videos to your favorites and watch them later.

3. Favoriting videos can improve your TikTok experience by showing you more videos that you like.

4. It’s a great way to show support to your favorite creators by liking and saving their videos.

5. It enhances engagement on the app, increasing the chances of more views, likes and follows for creators.

6. The process of favoriting videos is quick and easy, which leads to better user experience.

7. It encourages users to create better content to gain more engagement from their followers.

Weaknesses of Favoriting Videos on TikTok

1. It can lead to an overload of saved videos in your account.

2. It might be time-consuming to go through saved videos to find the one you are looking for.

3. Favoriting videos might lead to users missing new content from other creators.

4. Saving videos might lead to copyright issues, especially when the video is proprietary.

5. It might lead to creating an echo chamber in terms of content consumption, leading to a lack of diversity in content.

6. It might discourage discovery and discourage users from exploring new content or creators.

7. Over-favoriting might make the saved videos lose their significance.

TikTok’s How to Favorite Videos 2023: The Process in a Tabular Form

Step No: Process:
1 Open the TikTok app on your device.
2 Browse through videos to find one that you like.
3 Look for the ‘heart’ icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
4 Tap on the ‘heart’ icon.
5 Tap on the ‘bookmark’ icon next to the ‘heart’ icon.
6 The ‘bookmark’ icon will turn green.
7 Go to your profile and click on the ‘bookmark’ icon to view your favorite videos.
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FAQs on How to Favorite Videos on TikTok 2023

1. How many videos can you save in your favorites?

There is no limit to the number of videos you can save in your favorites.

2. Can you see who has favorited your videos?

No. Tiktok does not disclose the identities of users who like or save your videos.

3. How do I remove a video from my favorite list?

Go to your profile, select the bookmark icon, go to the video you want to remove, click on the bookmark icon on that video again to remove it.

4. Can I search my saved videos faster?

Yes, swipe down on your profile page and a search bar will appear, type keywords and it will display related videos.

5. Can I sort my saves videos in my favorites?

No, Tiktok doesn’t have the feature to sort your saves videos in your favorites.

6. Does favoriting count as a view?

No, favoriting a video doesn’t count as a view on TikTok.

7. Can you favorite videos from other users’ accounts?

Yes, you can favorite videos from other users’ accounts.

8. How do I know if someone has favorited my video?

Tiktok does not disclose the identities of users who like or save your videos, as such you won’t be able to tell if someone has favorited your video.

9. Can I favorite videos without logging in to my TikTok account?

No, you must log in to your TikTok account before you can favorite any videos.

10. Can you favorite videos on TikTok without an internet connection?

No, you need an active internet connection before you can favorite any videos.

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11. Can I organize my favorites in playlists?

No, TikTok doesn’t have the feature to organize favorites in playlists.

12. How long will my favorite video be saved in my bookmarks?

Your favorite video will remain saved in your bookmarks until you manually remove it.

13. Can other users see my favorite videos?

No one can see the videos you have saved except for you.


In conclusion, favoriting videos on TikTok 2023 is a great way to keep track of your favorite creators and their videos. However, it’s essential to note that over-favoriting might lead to saved videos losing their significance. Besides, saving videos might lead to copyright issues, especially when the video is proprietary. TikTok has made it easier for users to favorite videos by making the process quick and easy. With the information provided in this article, you can favorite videos on TikTok like a pro. Happy favoriting!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Remember to favorite and share it with your friends who might find it useful.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is accurate at the time of writing. However, TikTok’s features might change with time; as such, ensure you check TikTok’s latest features to confirm the accuracy of this information.